
The Molt | For Mörk Borg, evil lies at the planet's core

Created by Creature Curation

High-fantasy setting filled with weird creatures beneath the surface of the planet. Classes, monsters, and new rules for magick.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Status Update 04.10.24
6 months ago – Wed, Apr 10, 2024 at 04:31:02 AM

Hello trusty backers!

I have sent the files for the book, GM Screen, and Character Sheet Tear Pads off to the printer for them to review the files. Once they give me any feedback and I make adjustments, then a physical proof will be made.

After work today and tomorrow I am going work on wrapping up the Molten Monolith cassette adventure so that I can send it to Walton for editing. 

I've been working with Exalted Funeral to arrange how all of this will work, and it looks like I will use their fulfillment partner so that once everything is done it can all get shipped to one place.

I am currently waiting for the shipping costs to be able to put that into Backerkit. Once I have that, the pledge manager will open up and you will be able to download the digital files of everything, finalize any add-ons, and get your address entered in.

This project has taken a few unexpected turns, slowing things down, but I know the finished books are going to be great. 

I'll post another update soon! Thank you for helping bring this project to life.


Overdue Update
7 months ago – Sun, Mar 17, 2024 at 11:40:12 AM

Hello trusty backers!

I am very sorry this update has taken so long to share. There have been a lot of things happening behind the scenes. As I waited for things to be finalized, it delayed my posting. 

First the BIG NEWS! Exalted Funeral will be publishing The Molt

Why: As many of you know, my mom passed away while this Kickstarter was live and I just let it go on autopilot. I did not reach nearly as many people as I had wanted and I truly think this book is awesome. With my friends over at EF, I will have a chance of getting the book to so many more gaming tables than I could reach on my own. 

The book is done and going to the printer very soon. Everything is just getting finalized and it will need to be reviewed with the updated logos, barcodes, etc. by EF.

With EF becoming the publisher of the book, all the items will ship to their warehouses. So I am in the process of determining how that changes my fulfillment plan. I need to work that out before I can launch Backerkit, but hopefully, that will be soon. 

PDFs Delayed: Because I am using Backerkit to send out the PDFs, and I it's not finalized, I can't get the pdfs to you yet. Soon though.

The only thing left for me to finish up is the cassette adventure. That will be happening shortly as well. 

Thank you for your patience. I'll be back soon with an update!

– Brian


January 2024 Update
8 months ago – Sun, Jan 28, 2024 at 01:29:16 PM

Hello trusty backers!!!

As you might be able to see from above, the book is coming together!!!!

This week Walton sent over the final edits on the manuscript of the book. I've been working the layout for quite some time using the unedited text, so updating should go quickly. 

Here is what remains of the core book:
• Create the page spread for Deities
• Create spot illustrations for the adventure pages (the ones near the end that are mostly black & white)
• Update the Inside Back Cover spread
• Walton to do final edits on book in layout form

My goal is to have the book and the GM screen to the printer by the middle of February. They are about to be on holiday for Lunar New Year. I would like to get the production process started as soon as they are back.

GM Screen, Character Sheets, and Cassette Adventure:
I will begin on those once Walton has the core book to edit. The GM Screen and Character Sheets will come first as the manufacturing/shipping time is longer than the cassette adventure.

Super Secret Book & Cassette:
I have decided to hold off on these and push them to a new project. It will make sure The Molt gets to you sooner.


Things Coming Up

Wandering Monster Podcast January 31, 7:30 PM EST
I will be running the starter adventure from the back of The Molt for the fine folks at Wandering Monster. Tune in if you don't mind spoilers.

Erik Frankhouse Presents: Corpse Talk February 2, 8:30 PM EST
Tune in while I answer questions, work my way through a dungeon, and give away prizes each time my character dies! Check it out here.


Monthly Creations

Each month I am creating new classes, creatures, NPCs, maps, and adventures for Mörk Borg and Vast Grimm. I just dropped January's files. You can check them out here.

That's it for this month. Thanks for being a part of this! 
I'll be back soon with more details!

– Brian

December Update
9 months ago – Sun, Dec 24, 2023 at 03:23:49 AM

Hello trusty backers and happy holidays!

Over the past month I focused on finishing the writing of the core book. It is done!!! I need to give it another read over and then after that it will head to Walton for editing. 

January I am going to try to spend as much of my free time as possible working on the page layouts to get that as far along as possible. 

My current goal is to get the book to the printer by February 17th when they return from Chinese New Year. It's going to keep me busy, but I think it can happen. 

Also in January is The Boundless Torments Jam! If you've ever wanted to try creating something for a TTRPG, game jams are a great way to get started and I'll be giving away some rad stuff as prizes!!! Here's a link to it

Game Jam promo image

If you want to see how I created the art for the image above using stock photos, here is a walkthrough video.

I'll be back next month with a progress update.

Thank you so much for being a part of this!


The Molt Update 11.26.23
10 months ago – Sun, Nov 26, 2023 at 04:54:33 AM

Hello trusty backers! 

I wanted to give an update on The Molt and more. 

In this update:

  • Current progress on various Kickstarter items
  • Backerkit, add-ons, shipping, and new items
  • Traveling to PAX Unplugged
  • Free Map Download


Current Progress

I have a lot of work ahead of me to get The Molt to the printer, but I am very excited about what is left! 

THE BOOK: I have a different approach to creating RPG books than most people. I write in a Google doc, then start working on the layout. Make any text adjustments that need to happen to fit the design. Then I send it to Walt to edit. After that, I fix my layout and Walt gives it a review in what will be its final form. 

In the core book, I currently have 26/58 page spreads designed. It's been a lot of fun and I'm planning to get a bunch done before the next update. For the remaining writing, here's what I have left: most of the locations/areas, the prophecies, relics, new deities, finishing touches on the adventure, a few monsters, and the tables for the inside covers. That may seem like a long list, but the majority of the writing is done!

THE CHARACTER SHEETS: I just need to make some slight tweaks on the character sheets and then design the sleeve they will get wrapped in for retail.

THE GM SCREEN: I haven't started on this one yet.

MOLTEN MONOLITH VOL 1: Glitter in the Dark completed the music for this. I've started writing this adventure. I'll get back to this after the other items above are completed.

Here's an infographic on the current status of everything:

Production cycle grid



I won't be opening Backerkit until mid to late January. I want to give postage fees time to drop so they can be included when it launches. At that point, you will be able to increase your pledge or include additional add-ons. I won't charge cards until closer to fulfillment.

I will be adding a couple of extra items to Backerkit. I have a Super Secret New Book that is almost completely done! It is with Walt now for editing, and then all I will have to do is tweak the layout with his updates. I'm also going to add a Secret New Cassette Adventure that has been written and has a few of the tracks already composed by Glitter in the Dark

Both of those items will be added as stretch goals. Each will have a certain number that has to be pre-ordered to get manufactured (I want to make sure I have the funds to make them before committing to the production runs). Hopefully, this will bring a few new people to our adventuring party!


PAX Unplugged

Next week I'll be traveling to Philadephia for PAX Unplugged. Be sure to stop by booths 4200 (Creature Curation) and 4202 (Infinite Black) to say hello. I will have original art for sale from The Molt, Crawling Death, and Vast Grimm. On top of that, we will be part of the Mörk Borg Corpse Run! Travel to each booth, get your map signed, and enter to win an epic prize pack!

Corpse Run
Corpse Run Map


Free Adventure Map 

I just released a free isometric map of the Basilisk's Temple. You can go here and click on the Free Download link to score yours! Be sure to click the Join for Free button so you can get updated when I drop new, free stuff!


That's it for this update. I'll be back in about a month with a progress report. 

Thank you so much for being a part of this!
