
The Molt | For Mörk Borg, evil lies at the planet's core

Created by Creature Curation

High-fantasy setting filled with weird creatures beneath the surface of the planet. Classes, monsters, and new rules for magick.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Production Update – 08.29.24
about 1 month ago – Thu, Aug 29, 2024 at 04:26:19 AM

Hello Trusty Backers!!!

I checked in with the printer and they are close to finishing production. They are set to send me production samples for final approval next week. Once I receive those and we ensure everything looks right, it will take about two weeks for them to shrink wrap, box, and pallet everything up for it to get on the ocean to head to fulfillment hubs. 

While they are boxing things up, I will be chatting with Exalted Funeral to make sure everything is set and ready to go through their warehouse. 

We're getting closer on this. Thank you very much for your patience with this project!

I will be locking down the pledge manager and charging shipping in mid-September. I will send out another update closer to then with any new details.

Thank you!

Production Update
2 months ago – Thu, Jul 18, 2024 at 10:56:56 AM

Hello trusty backers,

My sincere apologies for the lack of communication on my end. To be completely upfront, not much has happened since my last update.

There was a communication breakdown between Exalted Funeral and me about the final order quantities for all the printed materials. That has now been resolved and sent to the printer. We are currently waiting on the deposit invoice and then production should begin. Once that is in full swing, I'll give you an updated delivery timeline.

The remaining stretch goals for the online character generator and the character build sheets will be created after I return from Gen Con.

Speaking of Gen Con, if you're heading there please come by my Creature Curation booth 1457 and flip through the proof copies of the books. I will have them there on display!

In other news, The Molt is being run at GameHole Con by my friend John! If you're attending the show, be sure to search for the events and sign up to play!

Thanks for your patience with this project, I know once it is in your hands you will love it!


Prototypes are in!!!!
4 months ago – Fri, May 24, 2024 at 02:15:04 PM

Hello Marauders!

Nothing like some excitement at the end of the day on a Friday before a long weekend! 

Today the prototypes for the books, GM Screen, and Character Sheets were delivered and I couldn't be more thrilled. They are so vibrant and look fantastic!

Check out the video below of me unboxing everything.

Over the weekend I'll pour through everything to ensure it turned out how I wanted it to. Then I will send it on to Exalted Funeral for their review. 

After that, final orders will be placed!

I'll make sure to post an update once I have some more details.

As soon as my new books come in I want to see how they look on my shelf. It looks like they've always been a part of my collection!


Love what you see? 

Tell your friends. They can late-pledge at for just a little longer.


This Tuesday

In other news on Tuesday, I am launching an exciting new project. You can check it out here

As always, thanks for your continued support!!!

Plaintext Version available
5 months ago – Tue, May 14, 2024 at 02:47:09 AM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

Digital Files and Smoke Test Coming Soon
5 months ago – Thu, Apr 25, 2024 at 04:01:11 AM

Good morning trusty backers!

Digital Files Sent

Check your emails, you should have a link to digital files on Backerkit!!!

If you included an add-on (like Crawling Death) in Kickstarter, you won't get that download link until the pledge manager opens and you confirm that add-on in your cart. 

Pledge Manager Opening Soon

But do not worry, I am very close to sending out the smoke test for Backerkit. That allows the pledge manager to go out to a small percentage of backers to ensure everything is working properly. It should go out late today or tomorrow once I get some final details for the shipping table. 

After the smoke test is done, the pledge manager will open to all backers. 

Sampling in Process

Samples of all items are currently being created by the printer so that I can review them and then share them with Exalted Funeral. Once I have those in hand I will take some photos to share with you. 


If you run into any problems, please fill out this form 

New Project

I know this project is behind schedule, but I hope you see it progressing and have faith that I will deliver an awesome book to you! 

That being said, I can't slow down. I have a new project launching very soon. 

Please go give it a follow to make sure you get the RAD Astro Zombie patch. Check it out here.

Thanks for your continued support!